Am'D Ball-Lock Carabiner

Suitable for
Suitable for
  • Women
  • Men
Specific activity
Alpine Climbing
more info
Normal carabiner
Locking mechanism
3-way carabiner
Gate features
Keylock gate
Breaking load open
8.00 kN
Load capacity length
27.00 kN
Breaking load crosswise
8.00 kN
Weight (piece)
75.00 g
Material Composition
Made in Europe


<p>The Petzl Am'D Ball-Lock&nbsp;carabiner has a D-shape and is ideal for just bout everything from setting up anchors to belaying. Thanks to the carabiner's asymmetrical shape and large gate opening it helps ensure proper loading on optimal working axis and offers a superb strength to weight ratio. The Keylock system makes using the carabiner with gloves kid's play. Petzl's Am'D Ball-Lock&nbsp;Carabiner is a particularly safe system with automatic triple locking and is particularly convenient for frequent opening and closing.<br></p>
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