Landesamt Digitalisierung, Breitband, VermessungUK 50-24 Altmühltal Nature Park, middle section
Suitable for
Suitable for
- Women
- Men
Topic of interest
- Biking
- Hiking/ Trekking
Landesamt Digitalisierung, Breitband, Vermessung
DE - Germany
local region
Franconian Jura
- Wanderwege
- Radwege
<p>The map image of the UK50-24 presents the heart of the Altmühltal Nature Park. The region stretches from north to south from the southern foothills of the Franconian Alb with old Bavarian residential towns such as Ingolstadt and Neuburg on the Danube.<br>Adjacent is the largest fen in southern Germany, the Donaumoos. Cyclists are in the right place here. Through the Altmühltal Nature Park, the Altmühltal Cycle Path and the Anlautertal Cycle Path lead along the river of the same name<br>through picturesque landscapes and past historic towns such as: Dietfurt a.d. Altmühl, Dollnstein, Beilngries or Eichstätt. Many other beautiful day trips can be planned on the paths of the Donaumoos and the Fränkisches<br>Seenland. The Altmühltal Nature Park region also has a lot to offer hikers. Along the Altmühltal-Panoramaweg with its loops, you can enjoy the tranquillity of nature on varied circular routes and pass a number of churches and monasteries steeped in tradition. The Frankenweg, the Wasser- und Mühlenweg and the<br>Wallfahrerweg also offer beautiful views. For climbers, the Oberlandsteig via ferrata in Wellheim offers great tours.<br>Geo fans can follow in the footsteps of the past at the Blumenberg fossil quarry in Eichstätt or at the Burgstein geotope near Dollnstein and in the Wellheimer Trockental valley. The map also includes the geographical center of Bavaria in Kipfenberg and the figure field in Hessental in Eichstätt. Children can visit the small zoo Wasserstern and the animal enclosure at the quarry pond in Ingolstadt, the bison enclosure Donaumoos in Karlshuld or the Altmühltaler adventure park in<br>Beilngries. Relaxation can be found at the Donautherme in Ingolstadt and the Aqua-Marin in Gaimersheim.</p> <p
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