Landesamt Digitalisierung, Breitband, Vermessung
UK 50-11 Naturpark Fränkische Schweiz-Veldensteine

Suitable for
Suitable for
  • Women
  • Men
Topic of interest
Hiking/ Trekking
Landesamt Digitalisierung, Breitband, Vermessung
DE - Germany
local region
Franconian Jura
Landesamt Digitalisierung, Breitband, Vermessung


<p>The UK50 series is geared towards the coherent representation of areas of tourist interest. Thanks to direct communication with walking clubs and tourist offices during map production, map users receive reliable first-hand information.</p><p>In addition to the current walking and cycling route network, the UK50 sheets contain selected sights and leisure information.</p><p>The exact UTM coordinate grid for GPS users is a matter of course, as is the terrain shading, which makes the mountains and valleys appear three-dimensional.</p>
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