BLV VerlagAlpin-Lehrplan 5 - Klettern -Sicherung, Ausrüstung
Topic of interest
- Climbing
- Alpinism
Bergverlag Rother
Chris Semmel
number of pages
<p>Safe climbing is an important concern for anyone who enjoys vertical climbing. The "Alpine Curriculum 5: Climbing" covers two major topics in climbing: belaying and equipment. Because only those who know the current belaying techniques and are familiar with the latest equipment will actually be safe - whether in the climbing gym, on rock or on steep ice.<br><br>The "Alpine Curriculum 5: Climbing" provides a comprehensive introduction to the safety techniques that are important for climbing. A large chapter covers the knots required for outdoor activities, as well as the topic of roping up and the various belaying techniques. Step by step, you will learn the various options, such as building a belay, setting up a toprope redirection or performing a retreat over a wall. Correct belaying on via ferratas, climbing rules and simple rescue techniques are also covered.<br><br>The second major chapter in "Alpine Curriculum 5: Climbing" is dedicated to climbing equipment: ropes, harnesses, carabiners, pitons, helmets and all other hardware are carefully presented.<br><br>The "Alpin-Lehrplan 5: Klettern - Sicherung und Ausrüstung" was coordinated with the German Alpine Association (DAV) and the German Mountain Guides Association. The textbook reflects the current state of belaying technology in Germany. Whether you are a professional instructor, trainer or recreational climber - the "Alpin-Lehrplan 5: Klettern" is the guide to correct, situation-adapted belaying.<br><br><strong>The alpine curricula of the German Alpine Club</strong><br>The official alpine curricula of the German Alpine Association (DAV) are not only aimed at instructors, but above all at mountaineers themselves. They have been developed according to the latest didactic findings and are particularly practice-oriented. In addition to the special know-how for the respective mountain sports discipline, they convey the versatility and experience value of alpinism in a clear presentation.</p>
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